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2We supply various computer equipment, peripheral devices and components. This is the corporate sector and the sector of computer equipment for the home.

In the assortment you will find both new and used computers, system units, components, printers, laptops, monitors and other products from all well-known brands: Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Samsung, NEC, Acer, Asus, Fujitsu, as well as other manufacturers.

We try to maintain a high level of quality of the goods supplied and the service provided. Our prices are formed very flexibly, taking into account the needs of our clients, logistics conditions for a specific trade operation and the legislation of the countries of residence of the parties to the trade operation. Therefore, we do not publish them on the site.

A separate area of our activity is the creation of software, modernization of existing software, expert assessment of the safety of operation of installed software, crash tests. In the process, we use both the capabilities of our proven specialists and attract third-party organizations, individual third-party specialists with a good business reputation on the principle of outsourcing.

© Derpilan Limited